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Al Doilea Război Mondial: Curs intensiv de Istorie europeană #38

Al Doilea Război Mondial: Curs intensiv de Istorie europeană #38

La doar câteva decenii după sfârșitul Primului Război Mondial – care trebuia să fie Războiul care a pus capăt tuturor războaielor – a început un alt război, mai mare, mai îndepărtat, mai distructiv și mai mortal. Astăzi, veți afla despre cum a progresat războiul din Europa, de la pactul Molotov-Ribbentrop și invazia Poloniei, până la fronturile de vest și de est, până la Ziua VE și bombele atomice folosite în Japonia.


-Hunt, Lynn și colab. Crearea Occidentului: popoare și culturi. a 6-a ed. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2019.
-Kotkin, Stephen. Stalin: În așteptarea lui Hitler, 1929-1941. New York: Penguin, 2017.
-Mazower, Mark. Imperiul lui Hitler: Cum au condus naziștii Europa. New York: Penguin, 2008.
-Overy, Richard. Războiul Rusiei: o istorie a efortului sovietic, 1941-1945. New York: Penguin, 1998.
-Smith, Bonnie G. Europe in the Contemporary World, 1900 to the Present, ed. a II-a. Londra: Bloomsbury, 2020.
-Snyder, Timothy. Bloodlands: Hitler între Hitler și Stalin. New York: Basic Books, 2010.

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11 thoughts on “Al Doilea Război Mondial: Curs intensiv de Istorie europeană #38”

  1. Wish you'd mentioned the fact that Churchill while opposed to AH was himself a racist and anti-semite. It gets left out all too often.
    Glad you noted the total number of Russian deaths that resulted from WW2, however. As that gets left all too often as well, at least in western tellings of the end of the war.

  2. why didnt you mention the munich pact? which happened BEFORE Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and which actually gave Germany expansionist freedom. How convenient it is to ingnore some facts, huh? Presenting facts in this way is what distorts people's understanding of who and why made the war possible (spoiler – France and Great Britain made it possible)

  3. 11:45 why does it say England on the map followed by a British flag? This just disregards other nations of the U.K., and gives the idea that England is the U.K… more research required

  4. Hi I liked the video, thanks for your efforts as always, I have one point of constructive criticism: Soviet civilian and miltary casualties are thought to have been 27 million. Still mind bogglingly large but not 47 million. Anyway thanks again John (and your team). Cheers

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