De la sculpturi gigantice în stâncă la statui confederate, există ceva despre arta publică care crește temperatura dezbaterii. În acest episod din Crash Course Art History, vom afla despre diversitatea media a artei publice, cum modelează identitatea colectivă și de ce pare să provoace o controversă atât de intensă.
Curs intensiv de istorie a artei #16
Introducere: Monumentele Confederate 00:00
Ce este Arta Publică? 1:13
Artă publică politică 2:33
Artă publică și schimbare socială: 06:38
Recenzie și credite 10:28
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Thank you.
Thank you. I am learning much from this series.
What another great episode!
good stuff!
We've been moving statues the whole time, it's not a new thing. Every time a king died and a new one came, he used to change all the statues of his palace. Fun fact, he kept the old statues in a depot, maybe waiting for a new king to come. A good example of recycling. 😉
The Bean is for everyone! Vantablack, however…
Remarkable series
Super proud of my city, Philadelphia. Our wonderful mural arts program has fostered more public art than most other major cities.
Thought provoking. Thanks for those videos!
Wow. The addition of the swing to the Soviet statue by Szejnoch is such a great piece. It brought me to tears seeing people swing back and forth. Wow.
Thank you! Your last video inspired me to go to the Banksy Museum in NYC!
I think of political statues/monuments to conflict as quite far removed from ‘art’. Obviously they have creative elements but i consider them more like entering or architecture
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Germany doesn't have any monuments dedicated to Nazis, so why does America have monuments dedicated to Confederates? Instead there should be monuments dedicated to people like Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Rosa Parks, MLK, and other important figures who fought against enslavement and Jim Crow segregation.