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Great video, but i dont like the way the coordinate system is labled. At 7:42 we see arrows that indicate what direction on the axis would be positive on both ends of the axis. Then, looking at 8:09 If we choose the x axis to point towards the upper right corner, then in our fs would be positive and Fgx would be negative. So at 9:15 the equation for net force would have to be F net= fs,max-mg sin theta = -26,29 N since in this coordinate system the box moving downward is a movement in negative x direction. By the logic in the video with the x axis orientation the box would move up the ramp rather then down, since the resulting force is in positive x direction, i e up the ramp. Watch your coordinate system orientations. Though what can be seen in the video is correct, most likely you would get points deducted for incorrect labelling.
My science teacher assigned me this and I never expected it to turn into an algebra 2 plus high school science video
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hahahaha why Seinfeld ?
I like the Seinfeld reference
well this certainly summed up a chunk of my ap physics I teaching over a year. sorry mr lynn <3
This is awesome, you can also use this and apply it to your relationships.
Who else watches Doc at .85 when the math(physics)* starts
*tried to find the word but couldn't
Without friction you wouldn't be able to sit in that chair and that's only the beginning
0:28 E.g. sex