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Mintea chimică: curs intensiv de psihologie #3

Mintea chimică: curs intensiv de psihologie #3

BAHHHHHH! Te-am speriat? Ce se întâmplă exact când ne sperii? Cum ne face creierul să reacţioneze corpul nostru? Ce sunt neurotransmițătorii? În acest episod din Crash Course Psychology, Hank ne duce la cea mai simplă parte a sistemului complex al creierului și sistemului nostru nervos: neuronul.

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Introducere: Brain Chemicals 00:00
Neuroni 1:31
Părți ale unui neuron 2:07
Sinapsele 3:08
Neurotransmițători 3:58
Neurotransmițători excitatori 4:48
Neurotransmițători inhibitori 5:10
Mai mulți neurotransmițători 5:30
Hormoni 6:08
Sisteme nervoase vs. endocrine 6:44
Glande ale sistemului endocrin 7:19
Glanda pituitară 7:58
Cum funcționează împreună sistemele nervos și endocrin 8:33
Credite 9:33

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15 thoughts on “Mintea chimică: curs intensiv de psihologie #3”

  1. An excerpt from Wikipedia !

    " Serotonin ( 5-HT) is a monoamine neurotransmitter. It's biological function is complex and multifaceted , modulating mood, cognition , reward , learning, memory and numerous physiological processes such as vomiting and vasoconstriction .
    Biochemically, the indolemine molecule derives from the amino acid
    Tryptophan, via the ( rate – limiting ) hydroxylation of the 5 position on the ring (forming the intermediate
    5 – hydroxytryptophan) , and then decarboxylation to produce serotonin .
    Serotonin is primarily found in the enteric nervous system located in the grastrointestinal tract ( GI tract ) .
    However , It's also produced in the nervous system ( CNS ) , specifically in the Raphe nuclei located in the brainstem , Merkel cells located in the skin and taste receptor cells in the tongue. Additionally, serotonin is stored in blood platelets and is released during agitation and vasoconstriction, where it then acts as an agonist to other platelets . "
    As above mentioned , serotonin is responsible for positive thoughts and memory consolidation among other things.

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