În acest episod din Crash Course Psychology, Hank vorbește despre TOC și tulburările de anxietate în speranța că vom înțelege cu ce trebuie să se confrunte persoanele cu TOC real, precum și cât de chinuitoare pot fi de fapt tulburările de anxietate și atacurile de panică.
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Introducere: Stigmatul social al tulburărilor psihologice 00:00
Ce definește o tulburare de anxietate? 1:55
Tulburare obsesiv-compulsivă (TOC) 2:35
Tulburare de anxietate generalizată (TAG) 4:17
Tulburare de panică și atacuri de panică 4:48
Fobii și comportamente de evitare 6:06
Perspectiva învățării 7:38
Perspectiva biologică 9:14
Recenzie și credite 10:38
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Bad video! OCD is so much more than washing hands!!!
My OCD is why we could't keep our dog. I tried and I just couldnt I felt like I let my family down because they really wanted one. For example I would often explode in tears when the pup would like me or the kids it drove me MAD
Piglet is one of my favourites. Assume that you have none of these conditions until you are diagnosed by a qualified specialist. I was diagnosed as a child with major depression; at 84, I still have it. But I have kept in employment, my wife of 50+ years is still by my side, and I have 3 wonderful daughters, all with careers of their own. I don't call myself ill, but disabled, like a competitor in the Disabled Olympics. They are my heroes.
Origin of All Psychological Disorders is our Thoughts.
could someone please add finnish subtitles?