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Viitorul | Crash Course Pods: Universul #10

Viitorul | Crash Course Pods: Universul #10

În acest episod, dr. Katie Mack îi dă lui John Green o idee despre ce să ne așteptăm pentru viitorul universului nostru.

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9 thoughts on “Viitorul | Crash Course Pods: Universul #10”

  1. @MakeMeThinkAgain

    When you consider the damage we've done in just the past 200 years it's almost funny worrying about what will happen in a billion years. Most of what has been covered here has only been known for 100 years or less. I can't even guess what the odds are that there will still be people who still know all this in even a thousand years.

  2. If chemistry of Life happend in deep-sea hydrothermal vents almost 3.8 billion years ago then why right now, that chemistry is not making life from scratch like it did billion years ago as all the minerals ,hydrothermal vents, oceans are still present in nature

  3. I absolutely adore the moments when John get astonished about discovering cosmological facts. On the potential future of humans, I would have liked a discussion about the problem of global warming, because that is going to be a much bigger and unavoidable problem for the future of civilization than asteroid impacts or magnetosphere reversals.

  4. I am so very not ready or okay with this discussion being over. But we are indeed so fortunate. Wow.

  5. Just like the universe, I'm dreading when this series will end but I can't wait for the experience. (The podcast, I probably won't experience the end of the universe).

  6. Are you going to discus logarithmic time at all? the way stuff seems to take more and more time. Like the first second was wild, now we don't get that much excitement in a billion years. I wonder if there's anything to that

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