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2001 – A Space Odyssey: Crash Course Film Criticism #15

2001 – A Space Odyssey: Crash Course Film Criticism #15

Ei bine, iată-ne. Este ultimul episod al Criticii de film Crash Course și vom discuta despre unul dintre cele mai polarizante filme realizate vreodată: 2001: O odiseea spațiului de Stanley Kubrick. La suprafață, 2001 spune povestea istoriei umane în legătură cu tehnologia și un fel de influență extraterestră. Dar, dacă mergem mai adânc, sunt multe în acest film despre evoluție și cum ar putea tehnologia să ne spună sfârșitul… sau cel puțin schimbarea noastră. Alăturați-vă încă o dată lui Michael Aranda pentru această mare capodopera Science Fiction.


Vezi toate cele 15 filme despre care vom vorbi mai jos!!!

Cetateanul Kane
Unde sunt copiii mei?
În starea de spirit pentru dragoste
Fă lucrul corect
Pierdut în traducere
Apocalipsa Acum
Labirintul lui Pan
Trei culori: albastru
Vânătoarea Vulturului
Lumina lunii
Beasts of No Nation
2001: O odisee a spațiului


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11 thoughts on “2001 – A Space Odyssey: Crash Course Film Criticism #15”

  1. @Charlesinfinite

    This movie is beautiful and simple. The story is simple it's just that Kubrick doesn't explicitly just spell it out so it seems confusing. Kubrick gives you every piece of info you need to figure it out.

  2. “Technological advances might doom inter-personal relationships”… Now look at a kid with a smartphone.

  3. You didn't mention the fun fact known by all 2001 fans that the word HAL can be transformed into IBM by shifting a letter

  4. Best Picture Winner OLIVER! is emotionally more satisfying and a better movie.

  5. @rationalthought846

    Greatest movie ever- I have seen the movie a dozen times and probably own every book about it, Kubrick and Clark. I think too many movie critics approach this movie from a liberal arts degree perspective with an emphasis on emotions and thereby miss the point. I believe Kubrick was intrigued by the concept that our first tool is a weapon (the bone) that allow us to master the world. We are then transported into the future where humans are in control of fantastic technology (including nuclear weapons, nuclear powered rockets and cold war rivalry) but are able to control our emotions and handle the technology and ourselves (witness the mostly friendly and professional conversation between Floyd and the Russian scientist). Arthur C Clark and Kubrick are both implying that the ability to control our emotions is required before we are able to advance. Clark was also a big fan of the idea that sufficiently advanced technology would appear as magic- but it would still be technology. Many "emotional" critics feel that the characters are banal. They have it exactly wrong- the characters strengths are their control. Rocket trajectories, as well as the orbits of planets are a ballet of mathematics but humans have mastered this with their computers and tools. Ultimately the universe is deadly, unfriendly, alien and hostile (ie as shown by the disturbing and eerie soundtrack over the moonbus sequence) – but the characters do not fold up into emotional balls of terror. Their banal conversations are the result of tightly controlled emotions. These are scientists and professionals. Thus Spoke Zarathustra music supports this theme- these scientists and engineers are the Übermensch. The malfunction of HAL is an implication that humans still make mistakes but even then, David Bowman is able to survive by thinking the problem through and ultimately achieve the mission directive. For Kubrick a strangely uplifting movie.

  6. @deepakdongre7712

    HAL9000's voice is so overtly comforting. I would love to listen to it before going to bed every night.

  7. Does anybody actually like this movie? Just watched it and I skipped forward/sped up around 60% of the movie. Fully regret watching it, as absolutely nothing happened.

    I can understand that it might have been an interesting exploration in 1968, but for modern day viewers I think this film is worth skipping.

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