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Ar trebui să separăm arta de artist?: Curs intensiv de istorie a artei #5

Ar trebui să separăm arta de artist?: Curs intensiv de istorie a artei #5

În acest episod din Crash Course Art History, vom continua să cercetăm mitul Marelui Artist, pentru a stabili dacă putem – sau ar trebui – să separăm acțiunile și convingerile personale ale artiștilor de arta pe care o creează. Istoricii de artă explorează noi moduri de a gândi relația artiștilor cu munca lor și cum să vorbească despre arta controversată.

Introducere: mari artiști sau monștri? 00:00
„Mari artiști” 00:48
The Romantics & Self-Portrets 01:53
Avangarda și suprarealismul 03:10
Van Gogh & Gaugin 04:59
Colaborare artistică 06:39
Separând arta de artist 07:48
Recenzie și credite 10:07

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11 thoughts on “Ar trebui să separăm arta de artist?: Curs intensiv de istorie a artei #5”

  1. I'd like to enjoy their art. I just don't like to give my resources so they continue to live, ESPECIALLY letting them live their lifestyles that are really just not worth the "great work" we are too obsessed with and insistent on labeling on theirs.

    Like why we can't we just praise good work from good people?

  2. You can't separate the artist from the art because the art is what comes out of an artist. If an artist fills themselves with horribleness what comes out is horribleness, grace with grace, interest with interest, care with care.

    The best artists don't just do art, they live their lives well.

  3. I feel it's important to recognise good art can come from flawed or even outright horrible people, as presuming the quality of work correlates with the quality of person can blind us to when a person uses their good work as a cover for their harmful behaviour.

  4. I think it can be great and valuable to experience art first independently (just me and the art), then in context of the artist (what was the events and philosophies of the time it was created), then in the intention of the artist. This can allow us to create our personal meaning for the art and separate it from the artist and before before our relationship with the art becomes infused with our impression(s) of the artist. That said… if the artist is alive today, and if by viewing or interacting with the art there's some value to them (monetary, attention, clout), it does behoove us to learn about the artist so that if they are not being or behaving as a benevolent human then we're not supporting them and the harm they are inflicting.

  5. I separate the two, not doing so makes zero sense and proves how naive we all can be. Think about it, if the character of your favorite musician matters so much, why not do extensive research on an artist before you start listening? Otherwise, you are assuming they are a saint, which is extremely naive. I don't listen to music or look at paintings because of the character of the artist. I honestly don't care much about the artist at all. They could remain anonymous for all I care. I care about the art and only the art. Now, if the artist did something to personally offend me, then yeah, I might stop supporting simply out of spite, but other than that… I never idolize the artist to begin with, I just appreciate the art.

  6. I think societal context is also an important factor. If there is active discourse about a topic like abuse of power during the me too movement or trans rights and racism today, it is more difficult to separate the artist from their art if the artist is actively participating in said discourse. Others have pointed this out but I also think it was a bit of a cop out to only mention artists who are dead. The meat of the question is in dicussing how to separate the artist from the art if the artist is alive.

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