Astăzi explorăm penultima teorie etică din această unitate: contractarismul. Hank explică starea de natură a lui Hobbes, contractele implicite și explicite, precum și dilema prizonierului și beneficiile și costurile încălcării contractelor.
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And in the USA when you don't tip don't be surprised when the valet parks your car 2 miles away and when you try to leave it takes 20 or 30 minutes to get your car.
There is such a thing as too much guacamole….for those of us who are allergic to avocado.
Me, a pedantic Contractarianist:
Let me just explain to you all those social contracts you've been oblivious to until now.
Needed a quick explanation for my ethics class thanks!
Remove long nose and boom. Problem solved
Not gonna lie, a non-stop bloodbath sounds like my kinda party!
Yeah this one fails to take into account power dynamics. The contract in the united states is that if I am born rich, I have the ability to steal, kill, etc without consequences, meanwhile everyone else must follow those laws. It gets into idealism that we will just agree to trade goods when in reality there's a choice to just take both and people do this all the time without the ability for the offended party to do anything to stop them.
I would argue that contractarianism doesn’t really apply to morality but to power/might or is devoid moral thought