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Cum comunitățile fac artă: curs intensiv de istorie a artei #10

Cum comunitățile fac artă: curs intensiv de istorie a artei #10

Arta este adesea înțeleasă ca un act solitar de exprimare personală. Dar arta este, de asemenea, baza pentru comunitatea din Alaska până în Mali – și de la susținătorii drepturilor homosexualilor până la apreciatorii Frida Kahlo. În acest episod vom afla cum este creată comunitatea prin artă.

Notă: în timp ce Yayoi Kusama este o artistă incredibil de influentă, ea are o moștenire complicată. Scriitorul și candidatul la doctorat Dexter Thomas a atras atenția asupra rasismului anti-negru în scrierile ei publicate, inclusiv în autobiografia ei din 2002 „Infinity Net”. Vă încurajăm să vizionați episodul 5 de Crash Course Art History pentru a asculta discuția noastră despre artiștii cu istorii problematice și pentru a vă alătura conversației.

Introducere: Sala de Obliterare 00:00
Marea Moschee din Djenné 01:20
Ieri 03:48
The Chief Johnson Pole 04:58
Originile steagurilor mândriei 06:30
Arta Umbrelei din Hong Kong 08:18
Recenzie și credite 09:45

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8 thoughts on “Cum comunitățile fac artă: curs intensiv de istorie a artei #10”

  1. this reminds me of something that's been happening locally to me: the brazilian flag/jersey had been co-opted by neofascists in the past few years. queer artists and overall progressive people have slowly been trying to claim it back. this year, we had a hige uptick in people wearing jerseys and flags at the madonna concert (free/very much progressively oriented) and at pride. it's still a little weird, ngl, given the past decade or so, but it was also heartwarming to go to pride and see the national symbols mixed with queer and feminist symbols (oftentimes literally, people remixed the flag a lot lol)

  2. The changing of the Mosque of Jenne is great and all but I hope someone is making sure to take a picture of it at least once a year, for historical purposes if nothing else

  3. Wonderful video! I'm loving this series so much! I'm really hoping we can get a little list (when the series finishes) of all the artists and pieces discussed. Okay, maybe it wouldn't be a LITTLE list, but it would still be mega helpful for revisiting the art and the ideas later!
    Another small thing – as a musician the discussion of art and community really touches me, especially in the way you've framed that idea. It really IS something incredible and ephemeral and special, when you're making a piece of art with 500 other people on stage, sharing it with 1500 people in the audience, and every single person in that building is experiencing the whole thing just a little differently. It's intense, and quite frankly the closest I will ever come to "heaven." Creating physical art with other people is amazing too – but I've had far more opportunities to sing with people than to create physical objects with people.

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