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Din ce sunt făcute plantele? Crash Course Botany #2

Din ce sunt făcute plantele?  Crash Course Botany #2

Când mănânci o salată la prânz, sapi într-un morman uriaș de organe de plante. Așa este – plantele sunt alcătuite din organe, doar ale lor urmează un set de reguli total diferit de al nostru. În acest episod din Crash Course Botany, vom explora ce este nevoie pentru a construi o plantă, inclusiv rădăcini, frunze și tulpini, și cum o roșie mică a ajuns până la Curtea Supremă a SUA.

Introducere: Organele plantelor 00:00
Celule stem și meristeme 1:12
Stems 3:19
Frunzele 4:32
Rădăcini 6:55
Fructe și Legume 9:36
Revizuire 14:23
Credit suplimentar 15:57

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14 thoughts on “Din ce sunt făcute plantele? Crash Course Botany #2”

  1. The answer to the extra credit question is…a bud! What are your favorite ways to prepare these delicious plant parts?

  2. i love alexis’s fun and enthusiastic and insightful way of teaching us about botany i’m so glad this is a series on crash course!!!

  3. If plants evolved from algal cells and animals from a single-celled first animal, what about fungi? What did fungi evolve from? Some kind of yeast?

  4. Alexis, you’re energy is amazing and i especially love your mock anger. keep doing you. i’m sure criteria for the rest of this series ❤

  5. @eliontheinternet3298

    Does scientific literature call it a plant “body” or was that just for our understanding? Because it sounded so weird, but I can’t think of what else I would call it!!

  6. Great information, but from my experience even though this information is for botany. most of the information in this series is applicable to "plant science" courses rather than "botany" courses at least at the college level.

  7. Hmm, I'm gonna have to work branch roots breaking out "alien style" into my lectures somehow … 🙂 Fruits are super fun to blow student minds with… 🙂

  8. 'Alien style!' Man, Alexis is the perfect host for this series. So pleased with that decision.

  9. Won't lie I'm still tackling with visualizing the terminology and understanding it. But I'm fascinated!

  10. @user-le9mz7oo9o

    It was interesting about the main parts of the plant, the stems, leaves, and roots, and the fact that the fruit is vegetables. Thank you.

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