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Epopeea evolutivă: marea istorie a cursului intensiv #5

Epopeea evolutivă: marea istorie a cursului intensiv #5

În care John Green, Hank Green și Emily Graslie vă învață despre evoluție. Așadar, în ultimii 3,8 miliarde de ani, viața de pe Pământ a evoluat de la procariote unicelulare la gama amețitoare de viață pe care o avem astăzi. Deci, cum s-au întâmplat toate acestea? Vom vorbi despre Darwin, evoluție, selecție naturală și despre cum am ajuns de acolo până aici și de atunci până acum.

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12 thoughts on “Epopeea evolutivă: marea istorie a cursului intensiv #5”

  1. I had a creationist who warned me the end of times is near. I thought it was a virus.

  2. @fplbreakfast6463

    I usually like your videos, but when speaking about how the theory of evolution is so ironclad the use of the term 'may have' is troubling to me. Seems like these 'may haves' imply a large leap in logic, jumping to conclude that similar species were at one time one and the same. In addition similarities in DNA and such are found throughout the animal kingdom, but does this tell us that there is a common ancestor? An Android phone and an Apple phone contain very similar or in some cases the exact same tech ie. Chips, screens etc. But I think you'd find that if you said they were the same thing apple and Android fan boys would light their torches and wield their pitchforks in a jiffy.

  3. @duckwithadonut7467

    For anyone doing homework, this might be the answers if I you go to my school.

    What is the keystone of the Evolutionary Epic Story?

    The keystone of the evolutionary story is natural selection.

    Who was Darwin?

    Darwin was a great scientist that published natural selection in 1859.

    What is Natural Selection?

    Natural selection is how animals with weaker traits won’t mate as much or at all compared with animals who have strong and desirable traits, therefore more positive traits are being passed to the next generation of the species then negative.

    How is Evolution a theory?

    Evolution is a theory because it’s an idea, like any other theory, that was tested and proven.

    What is symbiosis?

    Symbiosis is a relationship between two organisms where one helps the other, and the other helps them back. Fake example: a radioactive mosquito bites you, you get super mosquito powers, it gets lunch.

    How many mass-extinction events have there been?

    There have been 5 mass-extinction events.

    What are Niches?

    A Niche is an area of the environment that requires a special set of skills or traits to extract food and reproduce.

  4. Good to see John has learned correct pronunciation of niche. It drives me nuts every time I hear an american saying 'nitch'.

  5. i do love hank with a huge chunk of my soul, but the WRONG pronounciation of 'niche' puts my feelings to test xD

  6. Great video, thank you very much , note to self(nts) watched all of it twice 14:39

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