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Istoria muzeelor: curs intensiv de istorie a artei #3

Istoria muzeelor: curs intensiv de istorie a artei #3

În acest episod din Crash Course Art History, vom afla de ce muzeele sunt mult mai mult decât simple colecții de obiecte interesante și frumoase. Moștenirea lor include totul, de la violență la furt și, în mod ciudat, mâinile de sirenă.

Introducere: Ce contează ca muzeu? 00:00
Versiuni antice ale muzeelor ​​0:59
Cabinete de curiozități 3:48
Colonialism și muzee 5:10
Critici ale muzeelor ​​8:06
Viitorul muzeelor ​​10:16
Recenzie și credite 10:58

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8 thoughts on “Istoria muzeelor: curs intensiv de istorie a artei #3”

  1. @jessicasnow9007

    What is everybody’s favorite art museum they visited? Mine was the Aarhus art museum in Denmark. It has this amazing circular rainbow glass walkway on the top

  2. "and sometimes questionable taxidermy." I've always appreciated the understated humour of both Crash Course and Sara's work, and super delighted to see both on point here! 🙂 Great start to this series!

  3. You talking about museums reminds me: I saw a long post on Tumblr getting into the differences in approaches between different kinds of museums and how – and how well – they serve their visitors. MY takeaway from it as an outsider was that art museums sound like they have a few things they could benefit from learning from science museums…and really wished I could share it with you (thought of tagging the Art Assignment account but wasn't sure it'd be seen) to get YOUR thoughts on it. *If* you're open to being tagged for your thoughts on such things, where would be best?

  4. I appreciate this series! Of course another big issue around museum's and their role of displaying art for the public is admission price. I know this was previously well addressed in "The Art Assignment" and have no doubt it will be addressed later in this series. Ticket prices and admission policies can explicitly exclude many people off the bat, and the culture of exclusivity created by the admission policies over time can lead to a wider cultural idea that museums (and art!) are not for everyone.

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