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Panteoanele indiene: curs intensiv de mitologie mondială #8

Panteoanele indiene: curs intensiv de mitologie mondială #8

În care Mike Rugnetta continuă unitatea noastră despre panteoane cu complexul panteon indian, concentrându-se pe poveștile care au fost scrise în sanscrită. Începem cu o poveste de creație violentă. Vorbim despre conceptul de Brahman și personificarea ca trei zeități: Brahma, Vishnu și Shiva. Apoi, zeița Durga ne învață cum să tăiem capul unui demon de bivol în timp ce călăream un leu.

Brockington, John, Mitologia lumii, Ghidul ilustrat.

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5 thoughts on “Panteoanele indiene: curs intensiv de mitologie mondială #8”

  1. the shivalinga is not what you are trying to say it is , it is the symbol of energy
    one myth says that when brahma and vishnu were fighting on who is stronger a pillar of infinite height appeared in between of them and a divine voice came down from the heavens
    it said that whoever reaches the end of this pillar first will be more powerful but neither brahma nor vishnu were able to reach the end of it
    the pillar was Lord Shiva who then came in his original form to teach both of them a lesson
    that's the origin story of the shivalinga we worship today
    he isn't in any way connected to erotic love . If you see various stories in hinduism , you will find him as a hermit meditating in mountains away from all population

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