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Students are still struggling with math

Students are still struggling with math

Between fall 2019 and 2022, national test scores sank four points in reading and nine points in math for 13-year-olds — the largest drop in math in half a century. And while scores have started to improve, researchers at the testing nonprofit NWEA estimated last summer that the average American eighth-grader would still need the equivalent of nine more months of schooling to catch up in math, compared with seven extra months in reading.

With a full academic recovery still out of reach — and the billions inpandemic reliefthat fueled attempts to catch kids up running out — educators worry they must turn things around fast, or else a big cohort of children will be ill-prepared for higher-level math courses, college and ultimately for the kinds of sought-after jobs in technology and science that could give them more financial stability and propel the economy.

Children missed the equivalent of a third of a grade level in reading and half a grade level in math between 2019 and 2022,according to expertsfrom Harvard and Stanford universities who studied third- through eighth-graders in 30 states. (Students have since recovered some of the loss, they said.) But in districts includingKansas City, Kan., andBoston, losses in math were greater, according to researchers. Students inFairfax County, the largest district in Virginia, were more than a year behind in 2023.

12 thoughts on “Students are still struggling with math”

  1. Covid causes brain damage. Too bad our rich influenced the govt to send everyone back into the covid meat grinder. This is what happens when you have a system dependent on unsustainable growth year to year.

  2. Yea it's honestly frightening, there are vidoes of kids who basically are in middle school and only know how to read and do math on a 4th grade level it's horrifying.

  3. i teach middle school and 97% of my students (yes, i have the exact data) are below reading and writing levels. over 25% are THREE GRADE LEVELS OR MORE behind. i had a student fail the standardized test so hard it DIDNT GIVE HIM A GRADE LEVEL

  4. The biggest part of the issue is the higher growing amount of black as well as first and second stage immigrant kids going to school.
    Schools with a higher amount of black or migrant children have a disproportional amount of worse grades

  5. I had a science teacher who though 1 went in the bottom left corner on a graph, not 0, so I don't know how much faith I have in the American School System to teach math…

  6. It’s not just covid. Technology has completely destroyed student’s attention spans. When they don’t know how to learn they end up cheating which is only made easier by math excel or the other online math “tools” schools use. I say this as someone who has been a math tutor since 2017 and was a substitute teacher after the pandemic.

  7. It would help a little if I knew the scale. Idk what 9 points mean. For a second I thought he meant SAT scores and I was like, oh that's not that bad

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