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Suntem plini de bacterii!: Curs intensiv de biologie #38

Suntem plini de bacterii!: Curs intensiv de biologie #38

Bacteriile au adesea o reputație proastă, dar sunt unii dintre cei mai buni parteneri ai noștri în știință și medicină! În acest episod, vom explora ce fac bacteriile cu ADN-ul lor, inclusiv cum îl pot schimba. Vom afla despre cromozomi și plasmide, despre expresia genelor și ADN-ul recombinant și despre cum E. coli este folosită pentru a produce insulină.

Introducere: Microbiomul
Procariote și ADN
Plasmide și transfer genic orizontal
Expresia genelor
Dr. Rebecca Lancefield
Recenzie și credite

Această serie a fost produsă în colaborare cu HHMI BioInteractive, dedicată capacității educatorilor și inspirarea studenților cu resurse captivante, accesibile și de calitate. Vizita pentru mai multe informatii.

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8 thoughts on “Suntem plini de bacterii!: Curs intensiv de biologie #38”

  1. The new Insulin in the 80's did not suit my maternal Grandmother, it didn't "play well" with her other meds for heart and depression at the time. She was having hypos almost weekly, multiple hospital stays for all her problems each year – it was as if all of her problems were magnified, and she was on a CONSTANT roller coaster of symptoms of all her health problems. But in Australia, there was no going back to the "pig Insulin" as it was no longer available in the country. She died only nine years later at 72. I know she was one of a minority, but it still doesn't excuse blanket decisions by government – they should have left it for the customer and their Dr to decide which was better for them. It just goes to show how convoluted Insulin really is, it affects way more than just the transfer of Insulin into cells. Besides my 2 cents worth, a great episode! I was not aware of the different transfer mechanisms of DNA in bacteria, thank you!

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