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Teme de lectură: Abilități de studiu pentru cursuri intensive #2

Teme de lectură: Abilități de studiu pentru cursuri intensive #2

Ieșind din librărie la începutul semestrului, probabil vă întrebați cum dracu’ veți trece prin toată lectura aia. Astăzi vă explicăm cât de mult din acea lectură trebuie să faceți cu adevărat și cele mai bune strategii pentru a vă face drum prin ea.

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7 thoughts on “Teme de lectură: Abilități de studiu pentru cursuri intensive #2”

  1. Okay, but how does one even read lehningers biochem????? It can't be skimmed and what about crude laws and definitions of chemistry…. They need to be read and understood in page down word to word fashion…

  2. I hope some of my students watch this…even though I can’t assign nearly that much reading because there’s no homework allowed even at high school levels, so we read blips. Oh! Speed reading…my honors English teacher pushed speed reading. It was a waste of time. It ruined my reading, my enjoyment of said reading, and after my senior year in high school, I gave up Evelyn Waugh (spelling?) and never looked back. I suffered through Vanity Fair the old fashioned way, and I found speed reading was not a “thing” in Classics (Latin and Greek).

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