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Prejudecăți algoritmice și corectitudine: curs intensiv AI #18

Prejudecăți algoritmice și corectitudine: curs intensiv AI #18

Vezi colaborarea lui Jabril cu „Above the Noise” despre Deepfakes:> Astăzi, vom vorbi despre cinci tipuri comune de prejudecăți algoritmice la care ar trebui să acordăm atenție: date care reflectă părtiniri existente, clase dezechilibrate în datele de antrenament, date care nu captează valoarea corectă, date care sunt amplificate de bucle de feedback și date rău intenționate. Acum părtinirea în sine nu este neapărat un lucru groaznic, creierul nostru îl folosește adesea pentru a lua scurtături prin găsirea de modele, dar părtinirea poate deveni o problemă dacă nu recunoaștem excepțiile de la modele sau dacă îi permitem să discrimineze.

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13 thoughts on “Prejudecăți algoritmice și corectitudine: curs intensiv AI #18”

  1. Such an important topic. Here in the US where we are so divided and they use fake news to wag the dog. Arguments never end in anything that remotely looks like a concession or understanding. How can we define the most basic logic for identifying bias, closed minded thinking and malice? It would be so powerful to have an AI that both sides agree will decide which argument holds more merit and truth. I also imagine the AIs of tomorrow will never be fully trusted and we need public panels of citizens raising flags and regulating them and this will be the greatest exposure for hackers to corruption.

  2. hey this guy's ai channel on youtube is great! He always puts out great content

  3. microsoft's fault for putting up a bot in twitter. if they put the bot somewhere else, it would probably have been better lmao

  4. 0:05 Actually, they're sets of moves on a Rubik's Cube!

    (R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' is a Jb Perm, for example.)
    (And yes I have the moves memorized.)

  5. 0:50 I was not expecting to get a lesson about discrimination when I clicked on a CCAI video XD

  6. I actually read about a way that a fill in the blank tool was able to not assume gender stereotypes, even tho the training data has a lot

  7. @Randomfun4life

    Been struggling to focus lately, and I couldn't stop staring at the insanely huge size of his beanie. I must say though, once I was able to focus, the video is very well put together video. Thank you!

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