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Războiul împotriva drogurilor: curs accidental Istoria neagrilor americani #42

Războiul împotriva drogurilor: curs accidental Istoria neagrilor americani #42

Războiul împotriva drogurilor este o politică a Statelor Unite de zeci de ani, menită să pună capăt consumului și traficului ilegal de droguri. Pe scurt: nu a funcționat pentru a reduce consumul de droguri sau comerțul, iar politica a avut efecte devastatoare, în special asupra comunităților de culoare. Astăzi vom vorbi despre istoria Războiului împotriva Drogurilor, despre ce a încercat să realizeze și despre modul în care a contribuit la SUA ca stat carceral și națiunea care închișează mai mult din populația sa decât orice țară din lume.

Cartea lui Clint, Cum este transmis cuvântul este disponibilă acum!

Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Daltonblindness (New York: New Press, 2010).
Elizabeth Hinton, De la războiul împotriva sărăciei la războiul împotriva criminalității: realizarea încarcerării în masă în America (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016).
Khalil Muhammad, The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime, and the Making of Modern Urban America (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2010).
Beth Ritchie, Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence, and America’s Prison Nation (New York: New York University Press, 2012).
Carly Hayden Foster, The Welfare Queen: Race, Gender, Class, and Public Opinion, 15 Race, Gender & Class 162–179 (2008).

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13 thoughts on “Războiul împotriva drogurilor: curs accidental Istoria neagrilor americani #42”

  1. @marciamartins1992

    While Reagan was setting up the drug modus operandi, Nancy was saying, "just say no". Lol you can't make it up.

  2. Thank you so much for putting your sources in the description! I only own one of those books, so I look forward to being able to read more. The efforts of those working on this channel are very much appreciated!

  3. Fyi 3:04 to 3:18 is a map of the Rome, Italy (the Centro Storico). Great video and series but not sure why that was used as a template.

  4. Recently came across "Locked In: The True Causes of Mass Incarceration―and How to Achieve Real Reform" by John Pfaff – was wondering what you make of his arguments and data, Mr Smith.

  5. @earthdefender5477

    And the same ones that they're bringing here into America to give them a good life are the same ones bringing the drugs here

  6. @earthdefender5477

    We the people in these communities know the war on drugs was a failure we saw what it was doing to the community not experts, the experts are part of the problem they are the leaders of the experiment, when people develop their brain they will figure that statement out (the Experts are part of the problem)

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